Friday, July 31, 2009

If you're a Facebook expert.... =)?

I've had FB for a few months now. I noticed on some of my friends' profiles you can read what someone wrote on their wall, but you can't read the wall-to-wall dialogue.

Meaning, I can see what someone wrote on my friend Mike's wall, but not what he wrote in response.

How can I make mine the same way?

I looked all through the settings but couldn't figure out how to do this.
If you're a Facebook expert.... =)?
It's not your friend's setting, it's the other friend in the wall-to-wall...

For example, I can read my friend Amy's wall, but if Miranda wrote on it and Miranda and I aren't friends and her profile is set to private, then I can't read the wall-to-wall...

Easiest fix, add anyone that you want to read in a wall-to-wall...otherwise, you're just s.o.l.

Hope that helps!
If you're a Facebook expert.... =)?
It depends on what network you belong to, and what network the other person belongs to... Example: If you're in the Washington DC Network, then you can't view wall-to-wall posts from someone in Kentucky's network, even though one person is your friend. Does that make sence? Idk it's hard to explain.
Reply:your ex-bf will be able to read what you wrote on another persons wall if:

a) he is friends with the other person, or

b) the other person has their settings such that friends-of-friends can read their profile, or

c) the other person has their settings such that people in their networks can read their profile, and your ex is in that network

obviously you cannot control these three things. i suggest either you send your friends completely private messages (click inbox up the top of your facebook) or not write private things on their walls.
Reply:First of all are you friends with this other person if not, that is the way that person set there settings.

If you are it just my be a limited profile view meaning that just set certains people to not see some of the information on your profile. How you do it well first click on privacy then profile then click on the arrow for each appl photos, walls, contact inf etc. make sure you click on customize, when you click on that, a box pops out and you choose the options, you can even type in a friends name so they can't see it.


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